
Showing posts from June, 2020

So Many Fish

Transcript of my sermon that I preached June 14, 2020 Here’s what I want you to do: I want you to look at your hands. Hands can be amazing things. There are 27 bones in the human hand. Your hands pushed you out of bed, got yourself breakfast, maybe got a family member breakfast. Your hands turned on your screen to watch worship. Your hands cleaned you and your hands maybe gently stroked the cheek of someone you love. Hands have certainly been used for terrible and violent things, but look at your hands. Give thanks for your hands, for the hands that write letters, type emails, draw pictures, wash dishes, clean up after your dog, planted a garden, and worked hard this week to do all the things that you needed to get done. Notice your hands. Notice the freckles and the wrinkles, the scratches or scars, the lines that maybe you notice for the first time. Notice the dry spots and think of a time when your hands hurt and maybe how it felt when someone asked you to do one more things w