
Showing posts from September, 2018

I'll Think of a Title For This Later

In the last post, I talked about changing your scenery to help clear your mind. How did that go? Did you change your scenery? Did it clear your mind? Did you sit in a different seat at church? Did you change something in your routine? I want to hear from you! Let me know how you did something different, changed your view, and how that worked for you. Or didn't work for you. I was thinking about the last post and sometimes, changing the scenery just isn't enough to clear your head and get those creative juices flowing. Today I did something I haven't done since I was in high school: I went for a jog. If you know me at all, you know this is completely out of character for me. I've basically accepted that when the zombie apocalypse happens, I'll be the person you should hang out with because they'll catch me before they catch you. But I went for a jog, trying to clear my head. I ran from the front of my house, around the corner, and to the first driveway I came t

The Joy of an "Other Office"

I had writer's block this week. Yesterday I sat in my office and stared at a blank word document until my eyes burned and I realized I'd been staring at a blank word document for a solid five minutes. I hate days like that: days when I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am just not going to be productive. And I have a philosophy: that's okay. It's okay to have unproductive days. I have to remind myself of that philosophy sometimes, because I have another more dominant philosophy: that productivity is a positive thing. So today I started my day at the coffee shop. The writer's block cleared up while I drank a pumpkin spiced iced coffee and ate a lemon poppyseed muffin while the labrador who lives in the coffee shop watched me with the hope that rivals only what Phillies fans are feeling right now. It's amazing how a change of scenery can clear your mind and open up the flood gates of creativity. Actually, I guess it's not that amazing. There's some