I See You

Sometimes, I think we just want to be seen. So, I don't have a lot to say in my blog this week (and honestly, my creative energy is much lower in the winter so I haven't had much to say these past couple of weeks). But I want to share these affirmations with you based on what I know my heart and spirit need to hear. Maybe they will wrap you up in the verbal hug, too.

You're amazing. Even when you don't feel amazing, you're amazing. Fearfully and wonderfully, God made you amazing.

When you don't do amazing things, God still loves you. When you don't feel amazing about yourself or the world around you, God still loves you. 

When people around you don't do amazing things, God still loves them, too. That's the thing about God. God doesn't show partiality. God loves unconditionally which is annoying (because it means we have to love as unconditionally as possible, too). 

When someone does something amazing, you can rejoice with them. Someone else's light doesn't make your light shine any less brightly. Comparison is the thief of joy (says Mark Twain) and the thief of imagination (says me). When we compare ourselves to someone else, we hinder our ability to imagine what we ourselves will do next.

God is more amazing than us. This is true now. It was true yesterday and it will be true tomorrow. God is always more amazing than us and the only reason we can use amazing to describe one another is because we can see our amazing God in one another. 

Remember it's February, and that means the days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter. Cold weather reminds us to love warmly. Early nights remind us to rest. Fewer activities are a chance to recharge. Productivity isn't a good goal if it puts shadows on your heart. If you feel like your motivation is hibernating, give yourself grace. Seasons remind us that change is inevitable. Change is annoying. Change is good.

Sometimes, the "best you can" is all the world needs from you. Breathe deeply and remember you are loved.

24 The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24-26)



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